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Deus Ex: Mankind Divated Already on the shelves, until 2029 a stone's throw, and YouTube is filled with videos about bionic miracles. Isn't it time to cut off your hand in anticipation of a prosthesis with a built -in blade – or is it better to wait a couple of years?
We already wrote how prosthetics developed by Deus Ex. Now let's see what can wait for us in reality.
I did not stole, but found: the origins of bionics
Over the past two hundred years, humanity has come up with how to build planes and collect tablets, tamed electricity and found medicines for many diseases. At the same time, we, as a biological species, are accustomed to boast of our own innovation, attributing to ourselves the achievements of science and technology.
But we are not inventors. We are plagiarists.
At first, the "theft" took place on a hunch. Aiffel designed his tower based on Hermann von Mayer’s research, which found that the berets consists of many tiny seeds, evenly distributing the load and are able to with this a large weight.
Long before this, the architect and sculptor of the Renaissance of Filippo Brunelleschi created the dome of the Florentine Cathedral, relying on the strength of an ordinary chicken egg. And the Russian architects, solving such problems, turned to the forms of bulbs and cones.
► Architect Antonio Gaudi also portrayed plant motives not only out of love for gardening: the technological features of inclined columns, parabolic arches and hyperspirals used during the construction of the Church of the Holy Family in Barcelona were not accidentally borrowed from nature.
In the 1st century BC. e. Mark Terentius Varron thought that the bees chose a hexagon as a form for honeycombs for a reason. He suggested that the cell cell is the most economically advantageous model of waxing. And was close to the truth.
In 1910, the mathematician Axel Tue found out that triangles, squares and hexagons are most effective with a mosaic location, while the latter turned out to be the most durable and, moreover, contained a larger volume than other figures. This allowed bees that selected a honeycomb for storage to accumulate enough reserves for survival. Similar cellular technologies are used in the construction of seismic activity in areas of seismic activity, as insulation of houses, in the production of furniture, well, and … what do you think, what crystalline structure has a sensational graphene?
In the 1960s, the spontaneous preparation of wildlife finally took shape in a separate scientific discipline-Bionik. In essence, Bionics is the science of imitation and searching for relationships, how to study the experience accumulated by nature in the process of natural selection, and use it when creating perfect technical devices – for example, bionic prostheses. However, to create a future in the style of Deus Ex one bioony, alas, there is little.
► Thanks to Bionika, artificial Dolphin Skin appeared – laminflo. The speed of sea vessels sheathed with this elastic material increased by 15-20%.
So whether it is worth replacing a hand with a mechanical?
Prosthetics are rooted at no less antiquity than Bionika (which is a prosthesis, if not an attempt to restore what is already conceived by nature?). Even in ancient Egypt, with skillful copies, they tried to correct defects such as the lack of a finger on the leg. Since childhood, we remember the stereotypical image of a pirate with a hook that menacingly sticking out of a worn sleeve, and many of our friends already have a couple of dental implants.
So is it time to replace your hand with an implant?
Three types of prostheses are distinguished mainly today.Passive play the role of a dummy hiding obvious shortcomings (glass eyes, for example).Functional and active perform some functions of a lost limb due to the system of built-in springs. A person equipped with such a prosthesis is able to hold a mug, write, or, say, pinch you by the nose.
The third type is functional-cosmetic. The device is equipped with sensors registering muscle biopotentials. The signals are reinforced and fed to electric motors that drive the joints in motion. The advantage of such prosthetics is in the ability to receive a return. The system integrated into the artificial limb react to temperature, pressure and touch and transmit data to the carrier. The technology is far from the ideal, but this is how the amputant can again feel the lost limb or organ.
► Among other things, prostheses are external and internal: a cochlear implant, for example, is implanted in the head and returns hearing to many people. It consists of a wearable and implantable part.
Higher aerobatics for today (and tomorrow) day is neuroprostheses. Actually, the same prostheses from Deus Ex: They connect directly to the nervous endings, which allows, firstly, to expand the functionality, and secondly, to reduce the response time. But still, this technology is also far from the ideal and it will not reach the mass consumer soon. Difficulties arise even at the programming stage.
The fact is that although the nervous system is well studied, many mechanisms of its functioning are still a mystery. It is no secret that your personal brain with general starting characteristics differs from a neighbor’s brain: a communication channel has to be tuned for a long time for a particular user. The solution of these problems is engaged in biomechanics – a science that studies the compatibility of biological organisms with inanimate constructions.
Another significant problem is that the vast majority of existing external prostheses are, excuse me, a rope stick. That is, he went to the shower – he took off, gathered on the street – put on … A person, of course, does not get used to this, but a lot of inconvenience. An important step towards a real bio -bio prosthesis is osteointegration, which in the literal sense of the word will return to the amputant the missing limb by implanting a smart piece of iron directly into the body.
One hundred percent integration of neuroprosthesis and the creation of a universal system of a quick (very fast) connection between the brain and the mechanism is still ahead, however, the solution of these two problems will not only reduce the period of adaptation of disabled people, but also turn the ordinary Vasya into a steep cyborg, which means it will make scientific and technological progress achieved in Deus Ex, closer.
► The question arises: if the system is so technically developed that it happens when it picks up a computer virus or will be hacked by an attacker?
The main fun awaits us when bionic prosthetics reaches such heights that any of us can move stone blocks with one finger, jump over the abysses, breathe under water, and maybe not to breathe at all ..
In 2011, the transhumanist movement "Russia-2045" was organized in Russia. Среди членов экспертного совета замечены Хироси Исигуро (создатель антропоморфного робота Geminoid и доцент кафедры IT Киотского университета), Александр Каплан (доктор биологических наук, заведующий лабораторией нейрофизиологии и нейроинтерфейсов биологического факультета МГУ), Сергей Варфоломеев (доктор медицинских наук, научный руководитель Института биохимической физики РАН ) and others.
The members of this union swung, imagine, to the Holy of Holy – human life. If you believe them very optimistic forecasts, we will be able to defeat death by 2045. And it is precisely the partial or complete replacement of the body with a mechanism, brain transplant, transfer of consciousness to a hologram that will help us. “A new person will receive a huge range of opportunities, can easily endure extreme external conditions: high temperatures, pressure, radiation, lack of oxygen and so on,” the organizers of movement proclaimed.
Vladimir Konyshev, head of the company "Neurobots" and a member of the expert council of Russia-2045 and the neuronet industry union, is sure that the military will contribute to the speedy development of technology. “I think, in the near future it is worth expecting the appearance of such a combination: new senses in combination with artificial limbs, in which, for example, cartridges will stand. The soldier will not need to do anything, he will send an impulse, and his hand will shoot right away, ”he suggested in his interview for Russia-2045. – This is much faster than to press the trigger, use the muscles of the arm, fingers and so on. At first there will be limbs, then many, many research on the replacement of individual organs, and ultimately-a complete rejection of the human body. ".
► Phantom pains are scary and, oddly enough, it hurts. But largely thanks to them, the American Melissa Lumis was able to manage her new bionic prosthesis developed at the University of John Hopkins.
Freedom is slavery
However, is the ideas of Russia-2045 too rosy? The very creation of immortal cyborgs is only the peak of the iceberg. What Deus Ex shows is a direct warning.
What awaits us in this situation? Who will put us cybernetic implants? Corporations similar to Sharif Industiz? You hardly believe in their sinlessness and altruism. A terrifying struggle will begin not only for power over public opinion, but for power over previously invaluable human life. And life itself from the highest good will turn into a lying product. Having become immortal, will we become free from conventions and dangers? Or change the awl to soap?
If there are installers of systems and prostheses, then there will be hackers. What if your sophisticated body once refuses? You will not be able to control it, and you will only have to observe how the hands that you considered yours down the trigger. The legs lead you to the cliff, and calls to violence are broadcast into your ears. Terrorists no longer have to blow themselves up, because they will be able to hack everyone.
► In Deus Ex: Human Revolution, the first augmented people were literally planted on neuroposine medicine, without which the body began to aggressively rejecting the prostheses. Those who could not afford it bend in Detroit ditches.
History has repeatedly demonstrated to us bloody conflicts on the basis of a certain sign: the poor against the rich, Christianity against Islam, white against the black, red against the whites … You do not think that we will bypass the next witch hunt? A wave of hatred provoked by ardent fanatics from both camps will swing the world and hit humanity more than we can imagine.
How to divide food (energy) between an increasing number of inhabitants? Who in his mind will abandon immortality, if the body, albeit iron, is dusting with health and will last a hundred years, and then you can replace it. So someone will decide who to live and who to die.
But who is worthy of the position of the great executioner and the Savior? Nobody? We will regulate the birth rate? And what if we generally stop having children, worry about their failures and enjoy victories, educate grandchildren, evolve genetically and morally? In the literal sense of the word, we will turn into soulless cars, because there will be no one to show humanity. We will become the last generation of people, such mechanical vampires. Is it progress?
► Hugh Darrow, the creator of the first massive mechanical augmentations, at some point also thought that humanity began to play and implants would destroy it. The first Deus Ex, whose events take place after more than twenty years, hints that he is not so wrong.
* * *
“Science and technological progress are a constant expansion of our capabilities to influence the environment and our own lives,” wrote biologist Alexander Panchin, reasoning about artificial organs, extension of life and the future of mankind in his book “The Summer of Biotechnology. Guide to combat myths on the genetic modification of plants, animals and people ". – Today, if we wanted, then, using the existing nuclear potential, could destroy almost all our lives on the planet. Instead, we can allow life to develop further. A reasonable person will not only never allow an irreversible nuclear disaster (after all, there will be no way back), but he will not refuse a technology that allows him to change the direction of history ”.
Yesterday we celebrated Millennium, and tomorrow, probably, we will make the biggest leap in the development of science since the emergence of life on Earth. And it doesn’t matter if we personally see him, more importantly. I really want to believe that when this day comes, we will manage new knowledge wisely.
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