Updated: After patch 1.6 build values changed significantly. We updated this guide in accordance with new mechanics-it is relevant for December 2021.
Venta is one of the strongest support heroes in Genshin Impact. He is capable of a lot: collect enemies in a heap, inflict great damage, and also increase the damage of the main Damager of the group.
In connection with the recent prayer of the event of the character dedicated to the valve, some of you have probably received this restless god-little one. And if someone already had it, but was bored idle, it's time to remember the valve with our Gaid!
Strong and weaknesses of the valve
- The explosion of the elements pulls off opponents at one point and holds in the air, making them vulnerable to attacks.
- High speed of energy restoration provides a quick slope of the ult.
- The elemental skill simplifies the study of the world: the valve can create a pole of wind to get to hard -to -reach places or save endurance, climbing the mountain.
- The explosion of the elements causes less damage to enemies who already have constant elemental status (for example, slimes).
- The explosion of the elements of the valve lifts only small opponents into the air, whose level should not exceed the level of the valve by more than 20. Does not act on mitachurls, bosses and other major opponents.
Venten ability
The main attack is divine accuracy
The usual attack option – up to six onions shots. Charged – a more well -aimed targeted shot with increased damage. The arrow fully charged by the wind causes anemo damage.
Elemental skill – heavenly poetry
Heavenly poetry has two options: a short click and a long press. In the first case, we evoke the strength of the wind, which inflicts anemo in the area, throws small enemies into the air and well restores energy for ultimate.
With a long press, the valve creates an air flow around itself, which causes anemo and tossing all enemies into the air, including the valve itself. Passive talent of wind embrace allows heavenly poetry to create a vertical flow of air, which lasts up to 20 seconds: it can be used both for research and in battle to make attacks in the fall.
Elepery explosion (Ult) – Great Oda to the wind
The explosion of the element of the Venta creates a long whirlwind, which delays the surrounding enemies into its center and constantly inflicts anemo for them. The explosion of the elements is also able to “pick up” one of the elements already imposed on enemies (cryo, hydraulic, electro or pies), and then it will also apply additional elemental damage to the corresponding type. Therefore, before starting the ultimate ultimate, it is better to use one of the other characters in the party to hang an additional element on the enemy.
However, opponents with constant elemental status – for example, slines – will instantly fill the explosion of the elements with their own element and receive immunity to additional elemental damage. It is also fraught with an incorrectly played combination with other members of your group when you wanted to saturate the explosion of the elements, for example, Cryo, and because of the slimes it turned out. To solve the problem, switch to a character with an element other than an element of a slime, and continue to apply elemental attacks to the center of the vortex in order to start elemental reactions again and again until the action of the ultimate ends.
In the same way, the damage of the vortex can be brought to the maximum. The ventilation explosion reaches the greatest effect, if you pick up the hydrah or cryo in the whirlwind, and then beat it with the help of the characters (for example, Hu Tao , Kli or Dilyuk ): So you can get the most effective reactions of steam (evaporation) or melting. But if you do not have any of these characters, you can use other elemental reactions from available heroes: for example, put next to a whirlwind of a crow Fishl , which will constantly apply electrical damage.
Do not forget that the explosion of the elements of the valve lifts only small opponents, whose level does not exceed the level of valve by 20.
Priority of pumping skills
The main talent for pumping is the Great Oda to the wind, followed by it, it is worth pulling up an elemental skill (heavenly poetry), but the main attack (divine accuracy) can be left untouched, unless you plan to use the valve as the main damager in the team and shoot from his bow.
The best constellations for the valve
This item is for those few players who are ready to invest large sums of money in the game to gain constellations from the "golden" characters. If you do not take into account this fact, then for the valve as a hero of support, it is enough to improve the constellations to the fourth level, having received an increase in ANOMU by 25% by 10 seconds when raising an elemental particle.
- Crushing storm. Each aimed shot releases two additional arrows. Each additional arrow inflicts 33% of damage from the first arrow.
- Breeze of memories. The use of skill heavenly poetry reduces anemo and physical. opponents' resistance by 12% for 10 seconds. Also temporarily lowers anemo and physical. resistance of opponents thrown into the air with this skill by 12%.
- Oda is a thousand winds. Increases the level of skill of the Great Oda by the wind by 3. Max. Ur.: 15.
- The wind of freedom. Selected valve elemental spheres and particles give it 25% Bonus ANEMO DAY for 10 seconds.
- Heavenly Harmony. Increases the level of skill of heavenly poetry by 3. Max Ur.: 15.
- The storm of rebellion. The resistance of opponents who received the damage from the skill of the Great Oda by the wind lowers is reduced by 20%. If the element is absorbed, it also lowers resistance to the absorbed element by 20%.
The best weapon for the valve
Golden weapons
Of the five -star bows, it is considered the best Elegy of Pores. A higher indicator of basic damage, an increase in energy restoration (and this will allow a clock on the skill of the elements – read about artifacts below) and an impressive Buff of the skill of the elements, coupled with a unique strengthening of this onion. If an elemental skill or an explosion of elements on the enemy gets, one mascot of memoirs receives one mascot, which can occur once every 0.2 seconds, even if the character is inactive (“in your pocket”). After we select four talismans, a millennial symphony will sound, which will strengthen the skill of the elements by 100-200., and the power of attack by 20-40% for all characters in the group.
Heavenly wing Due to a huge basic attack, a fighter causing damage to the main damager of the group can make from your valve. Due to an increase in the chance of Crete. hits and Crete. damage along with an additional effect, which is capable of 2-4 seconds. Apply 125% physical. damage in a small radius, it makes sense to cause damage to auto -oatks from onions. If you have chosen this tactic, do not forget to tighten the level of skill of the basic attack.
Violet weapon
Alas, a five -star weapon in the game is quite difficult to get – but from purple guns for the valve is best suited Semetrive. Its advantage is a relatively good basic attack, a large bonus to the skill of the elements, and most importantly, an increase in the damage of the elemental skill and explosion of the elements (with which we use the valve most of all). After patch 1.6 The skill of the elements has become the most important characteristic of the ANEMO characters, which means that this bow also became much more useful.
If there is no unstrugant, then Favonia fighting onions It will almost completely solve the problem with the restoration of energy, and this, again, will allow the use of watches for the skill of the elements (read below). However, it does not differ in high basic damage. Green onions From a military pass, in turn, it has the same damage as the unheard of. He will also increase Crete. A chance and if a basic attack gets with a probability of 50% will create a cyclone, which inflicts periodic damage for 4 seconds and attracts enemies to itself. However, it makes no sense to pull it out precisely for the sake of the Venta, if you, again, are not going to use it as a car-room.
Ceremonial bow It has a basic attack above the average and a good indicator of energy restoration. And the passive can instantly roll back the “Eshka” of the valve, which will greatly facilitate the set of energy for ulta: two “Eshki” in a row will give a lot of particles. It will also help to accumulate energy for ultimate, for example, Xiao, who really needs a “battery” (the second Anemo character, who will fill him with his “Eshka” energy).
Oda anemonia (if you received it during the spring event) – a sort of "free unjust". His passive is less useful, but due to the increase in the weight of the skill of the elements after patch 1.6 This bow also added in effectiveness. The basic attack is not the highest, but the passive gives the buff to the attack after the "Eshki", which allows you to use ultrasound under the buff. Do not forget to gain enough energy restoration from artifacts.
Output in update 2.2 onions Moon Moon It has a bonus high for a 4* basic attack to the power of attack. But its main feature is to increase the damage from the ult. This buff depends on the total energy supply of all members of the detachment (the total cost of all the explosions of the elements). Ultan valve is not the cheapest: it costs 60 energy. This means that you can gain a lot of bonus damage. The main disadvantage is that this bow reaches the greatest efficiency only at high levels of awakening, as well as it will have to gain all the skill of the elements and restore energy exclusively from artifacts.
The best artifacts for the valve
Sets of artifacts
For the valve, you can distinguish three sets that will give the maximum increase in efficiency: Emerald shadow or The ceremony of the ancient nobility (for players from 40 adventures), as well as Exile (for the early game). At the same time, the emerald shadow is much more useful than the ceremony, because the set of set to reduce the enemy’s resistance to the dispersed element greatly increases the damage in the second of your group.
Set Emerald shadow will be an ideal solution, because after patch 1.6 Dispersion of elements in addition causes incredible damage. A set of two items will increase the bonus anemo won by 15%. Four items will increase the damage of spontaneous dispersion by 60%, and when interacting with another element, the enemy’s resistance to it is 40% for 10 seconds. This is an objectively best option: it increases the damage from the ulta of the valve itself (provided that you charge ulta with any other elements), and the damage of your main damage, whose element was scattered.
The second option is The ceremony of the ancient nobility : 2x set will increase the damage of ultraship by 20%, and four subjects will increase the force of attacks by all members of the detachment by 20% within 12 seconds. After using the ultra. With the full set of “nobility” the tactics is this: we use ultra, tighten the enemies into it, and then – under the buff on the force of attack – we begin to damage the main damage. But this option is worth using only if there is no set Emerald shadow.
Third in a row – a set Exile , which is suitable for the early stages of the game, so far there is still no way to farm gold artifacts. The bonus from two objects of the kit will increase the restoration of the valve of the valve by 20%, and the full set after using the ulta will restore 2. energy to all other members of the detachment (but not valve) every 2 seconds. within 6 seconds. The effect does not add up.
The main stats on artifacts for the valve
- Cup the damage or skill of the elements is on the ANEMO – both of these options are approximately the same in terms of effectiveness, so choose the goblet on which there are more successful secondary characteristics;
- Watch With the restoration of energy or with the skill of the elements – it all depends on the indicators of the weapon and the composition of the group: it is necessary to independently determine how much your valve needs to restore energy. The main task is to keep ultimate on the battlefield by rollback. It will be ideal to collect the restoration of energy using secondary characteristics or a bonus statist of weapons, and the clock is put on the skill of the elements.
- Cap With the skill of the elements. Crete here are much less useful: after patch 1.6 is much more important to pick up the maximum skill of the elements for the valve – this is especially true for the set Emerald shadow.
The best additional characteristics are in priority:
- energy restoration (until the moment when you can keep ultimate on the battlefield by rollback);
- the skill of the elements (as much as possible);
- Crete. Chance / damage;
- Power of attack %.
The best partners for the valve
The valve will perfectly fit into many packs, but the key nuance here is that not all the main Damagers “get” to the characters suspended in his ult. Most physical. Damagers, for example, will not be able to reach the ultimate valve, and some elemental damagers (for example, Yan Fay, whose charged attacks are hit on the ground, or Hu Tao) will lose part of the damage without getting through the wagas hung in the air. In this regard, it is better to build a pack of valve so that each character in the team can use the potential of his ultras.
- Gan Yu + Mona + Dion – the famous "Morgan", or a pack, designed to constant freezing enemies. The valve in it is responsible for the grouping of opponents and scattering the element of cryo; Mona will update the hydraulic to freezing, and Diona will treat and pour additional cryo particles for Gan Yu (and if you have Dion C6, then it is also a lot of Buffnet to all the skill of the elements of its ultimate). A similar command can be assembled with Ayaku In the role of the main damage: her ultans “gets stuck” in Ult Venta and will switch from one enemy to another until it breaks them all.
- Kli or Dilyuk. Huge damage with a charged attack of Kli on a group of enemies gathered in one place, or alternating pies of Dilyuk’s attacks – no matter what you choose, the effect will be amazing!
- Mona. It goes well with the valve and outside the packs for freezing: all https://sister-site.org/rolletto-casino/ because it can maintain constant elemental reactions, applying hydraulic. This, for example, will evaluate the aforementioned pies Damagers. The tactics are simple: we throw ultimate valve, then we put the ulta of Mona on it, which gives a bonus to the damage, put it “Eshka” to update the hydraulic status and charging the next ultimate – and chop the whirlwinds of the main damage.
- Fishl. Her "Eshka"-a tour will work perfectly with an explosion of the elements of the valve, constantly updating the elemental reaction. Plus, during the presence of an OZA on the field, elemental reactions cause the passive “Let the curse will be removed”: each response of the reaction inflicts 80% of the force of the Fishle attack by the enemy.
- Xiao. As mentioned above, the valve will be an excellent support for him: they can fill the ANEMU to each other in order to quickly charge the ulters, and the tightening of enemies in a bunch of explosions from the elements of the Venta will have to hit the maximum opponents with attacks in the fall.
And in which groups do you use the vent? Offer your options for combinations in the comments!
The best replacement for the valve
If you haven’t fallen off the valve or you missed the banner, as a budget version of the valve may come well Sucrose. Another ANEMO SAPPORT capable of pulling enemies and scattering elements – Cazuha : He has a little less control over the crowd, but he does not create problems with opponents, which are hung in the air, and therefore it fits better into packs with damageers, which are poorly combined with the valve.
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